Quality of Life

Parkinson’s Awareness: Plan Ahead While Making the Most of Today


Helping them plan for tomorrow while getting the most out of life every day takes some mindful planning and preparation. April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, making it the perfect time to rethink your loved one’s care strategy so that their quality of life remains good. 

Parkinson’s Awareness: Plan Ahead While Making the Most of Today2021-04-12T21:38:23-04:00

5 Ways to Help Seniors Feel Less Alone


Nobody likes to feel alone, but for seniors aged 65-and-over, loneliness can be a constant companion. Chronic health conditions, lack of transportation and poor mobility can all leave seniors feeling lonely, depressed and unappreciated. If those negative feelings persist, they can cause serious health problems that eventually threaten an elderly person’s independence.

5 Ways to Help Seniors Feel Less Alone2021-02-02T17:10:21-05:00

Nutritious Meal Tips for Seniors with a Loss of Appetite


As a person ages, it’s not uncommon for them to start losing their appetite for one reason or another. But when that senior lives alone, a loss of appetite can cause rapid weight loss that quickly places their freedom and independence at risk. If you’re currently caring for an aging in place elderly loved one who’s not interested in eating due to a loss of appetite, try these taste bud-tantalizing meal ideas.

Nutritious Meal Tips for Seniors with a Loss of Appetite2020-08-22T06:37:39-04:00

7 Steps to a Healthy Senior Diet


Today, we now know, you get out of your body what you put into it. At any age, it’s imperative to eat nutrient rich foods which can help you maintain a healthy weight, boost your energy levels, and ward off health problems. Especially in seniors, a healthy diet can help fight against high blood-pressure, diabetes, constipation, and heart problems. As we age, how our bodies process food changes. With this in mind, you may want to re-evaluate your diet and make any changes that may bring balance to your diet and overall health. Be sure to check off our 7 steps [...]

7 Steps to a Healthy Senior Diet2020-05-21T19:01:29-04:00

6 Tips to Mental Wellness


As we age, our health becomes more of a priority, especially our mental health. Keeping a sharp and vibrant mind helps ward off mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. There are plenty of things folks can do to stay vital. The key is challenging your brain at all stages in life. As children move out and we welcome our retirement years, many seniors can find themselves bored. Boredom is a breeding ground for depression so staying active and engaged is crucial. Read the six tips below to boost mental health and be sure to take responsibility for your mental [...]

6 Tips to Mental Wellness