Caring for Yourself While Caregiving During COVID-19


Taking care of an aging-in-place loved one during the COVID-19 pandemic can be stressful even on the best of days. To keep both of you safe, special caregiving precautions must be taken. If you’d like to learn more about protecting yourself while caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic, here are some tips. 

Caring for Yourself While Caregiving During COVID-192021-04-12T21:50:05-04:00

How to Stay Connected While Staying Healthy


Staying connected with your senior loved one is a challenge, even in the best of times. In the current crisis, older adults, especially seniors with underlying conditions, are at a higher risk for COVID-19 and can develop serious complications. Here are options that allow you to stay connected with your senior without physical contact and still keep everyone around you safe.

How to Stay Connected While Staying Healthy2020-08-03T10:01:34-04:00